Sunday, November 1, 2009


Why is this little monkey so sad?

He got those monkey ears off two seconds
later and refused to put them back on!

My pumpkin

Matt's pumpkin

Well, since someone forgot to tell the twins how the time change thing works, we're up bright and early to post Halloween pictures! We had a really fun Hallowwen. We were worried about the rain, but it didn't interfere too much. We took all the kids downtown in the afternoon to trick-or-treat at all the stores on Main Street. Well, Mason was trick-or-treating, the twins were just there to look cute in their stroller! But we had lots of fun seeing all the great costumes. Our kiddos were awfully cute, even though Hays refused to wear his monkey ears and just looked like a kid in a brown suit!
After dinner I took Mason over to my parents' neighborhood for round two of trick-or-treating. When we set out, it was misting a bit, but not really raining. Unfortunately, it progressed to drizzling, and then into rain. Luckily we had time to hit several houses and he got plenty of candy. The walk back in the rain wasn't so much fun, but none of us melted! We headed back home and Mason gorged himself on candy. But we still managed to get him to bed at a reasonable hour and a frightfully fun Halloween was had by all!

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