Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 13

Here's Hays sucking his thumb!
The boys are good today. Hays got his pickline out since he's not requiring IV fluids anymore, except for a little bit of glucose over the next day or so to keep his blood sugar up. Now he just has an IV in his hand which will hopefully come out tomorrow. His nurse originally put it in his foot, but the little stinker managed to pull it out! We can't wait to get him off the IV completely. Fewer wires- yay!!! He's now getting all his nutrition from breastmilk and he's up to 20 cc on his feedings. Will better look out, because Hays is going to be catching up to him soon! Will's back up to 15 cc on his feedings and he's digesting them well. His doctor had to change his antibiotics today because his infection wasn't responding quite as well as we wanted it to with the previous combination of meds. So they started a new antibiotic today and he seems to be responding really well. We should know in 24 hours if it's kicking that infection's butt like it's supposed to!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Cameron! So glad to see your boys are doing well. :)
