Hays with his monkey blanket- Thanks Chris, Jane, Charlotte and Henry!
Mommy, Daddy and Hays
Will with his monkey blanket- Thanks Chris, Jane, Charlotte and Henry!
Sweet baby Will
To morrow is the big day for Will- they're taking out his vent tube!!! His meds are working and his lungs sound much better. So everyone keep your fingers, toes, eyes, etc. crossed that he does well off the vent. They also started feeding him today, so our little guy is doing great all the way around.
Hays is doing well, but still on the c-pap. I hope he gets off of that soon because his poor little nose looks pitiful! The c-pap puts a good bit of pressure on it and it looks really uncomfortable, so the sooner he gets back on the nasal canula, the better.
Hays is doing well, but still on the c-pap. I hope he gets off of that soon because his poor little nose looks pitiful! The c-pap puts a good bit of pressure on it and it looks really uncomfortable, so the sooner he gets back on the nasal canula, the better.
today was also my baby shower, and it was great!! The boys got a fabulous wardrobe of the cutest little clothes I have ever seen. And we got TONS of diapers- at least enough for several weeks! So many thanks to Patsy, my mom and sisters, Pat, Alyssa, Katie, Miriam and LeAnne- You girls rock!!! And to Matt's dad for all his manual labor and walkway laying skills- we love you, Julio the yardman!
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