Hays is off the CPAP!!!!! We can finally see all of that cute little face since he just has the nasal canula in. And he looks so much more comfortable, so that makes everyone happy. He had the longest awake period that I've seen tonight. He was so alert, just looking around and checking everything out. It was so neat to talk to him and have him turn to look at me (though I know I was just a big hazy mom-blob to his unfocused eyes!) He seems to be doing well off the CPAP so far. His nurse had to raise his oxygen level a tiny bit, but he hasn't had any apnea. Let's hope he keeps it up so he can stay off that thing!
Tomorrow is another big day for Will. They're planning to try to extubate him for the third (and hopefully final) time. I'm nervous and excited. I so want him to get off that vent, but I'm also scared that he'll have to go through the trauma of being extubated and re-intubated all over again. But his doctors and nurses feel that he's ready. His breath sounds are good, and while his chest is still kind of rattley, he sounds much better than he did. Everybody pray that the steroids have worked their magic and that my sweet little boy will be breathing (mostly) on his own tomorrow!! In another big step for Will, his doctor increased his feedings to 8cc!! He's going to be a big old boy in no time if he keeps eating like this!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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