Things are looking up today. We're still nervous about the Augusta thing (or as I like to call it, Disgusta), but we're getting used to the idea. It looks like they'll be coming to get him Wednesday. Mason is very jealous that his baby brother gets to ride in a helicopter! When I told him about it he said, "Mommy, he will need a helmet." Funny kid!! Will's nurses had to move his vent tube down further in his chest which gives us a better idea of where the problem actually is. It looks like the trouble begins in the lower airways, but we'll see what the pulmonologist says. He looked much better after they moved the tube down. He had a great afternoon with no problems, his infection levels have come down, and his swelling is way down- for the past couple of days he's been retaining fluid and he's looked like a fat sumo baby! He was really alert and happy tonight and you could tell he was feeling much better than he has the past couple of days.
Hays is doing great. They moved him in to a regular isolette since he's doing so well. His doctor did scare the crap out of me today. He told me that Hays had an infection and I was starting to freak out, until he he realized he was looking at the wrong chart!!
And once again we have a nurse brag. When I went in this morning they had little cards on all the babies' doors with their little footprints on them that said "Happy St. Patrick's Day" How cute is that? Man, those nurses rock!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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