Well, we tried to get Will off the vent today, but he wasn't quite ready. He just had too much irritation and inflamation in his upper airway to breath on his own. Luckily, his lungs look good, so when the inflamation goes down he should be fine without the vent. The steroids should help with the inflamation and they put him on a smaller vent tube which will hopefully lessen the irritation. The plan is to try again on Wednesday. I'm praying that it will work because extubating and then re-intubating is really hard on him. He spent the rest of the day sleeping off his rough morning! But my Will is a tough little guy and he's going to get off that vent soon!
Hays is still doing great. He's gaining weight and they've increased his feeds. He started off at 1cc and now he's up to 3. We've got to get some meat on those little bones!! His doctor said he might come off the c-pap tomorrow. I hope he will because I miss seeing all of his sweet little face, but everything in due time! He is such a funny baby. He hates when his nurses have to mess with him and he'll get so mad, but as soon as they're done he stops crying immediately and he's just happy as a clam! Hopefully he'll be that easy to settle when he comes home!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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