We're in Augusta. It pretty much sucks. I know that the doctors are great and that they can do things here that they can't do back home, but we still hate it. I'm sure it's mainly because we are so spoiled by the amazingly nice NICU at home. Here we're in a big, ugly room with lots of alarms beeping everywhere and lots of people we don't know. We miss our outstanding nurses who know and love our baby. The bronchial scope is scheduled for 9:15 tomorrow morning. Hopefully they'll figure out what's wrong and how to fix it. We have faith that they're going to do exactly what needs to be done. Will's doing pretty well tonight and he seems to be settling in okay. I think he's having an easier time than I am. It was a hard afternoon. I'm too worn out to go into too much detail, but it was hard. I'm just ready for tomorrow morning. The sooner they fix him, the sooner we go home. Today's good news is that Hays went from the high-flow nasal canula to a regular nasal canula. If he does well, they'll take him off of that and he'll be breathing all on his own! So everyone think good thoughts for both of our little guys. One more thing before I take my tired self to bed. In the Augusta NICU they have these painted mural things of babies and flowers above each baby's bed. The problem is, the babies in the paintings are hideously ugly!! The one above Will's bed has this god awful pig nose. It's the funniest, ugliest thing I've seen in a while. We'll try and get a picture of it before we leave!!!
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