Everyone knows that you have to be careful about what you say in front of kids. I try to be diligent about watching my language, but I have to admit that the occasional mild epithet slips out in front of Mason. They are bound to repeat the things you'd rather them not, and today was no exception! We had just walked out the front door to go to the library when I noticed that Mason's shirt had something all over it. I went inside to grab a clean one and left him and Hays on the front porch. Not realizing Mason was following me, I didn't hold the storm door for him and it closed on him. It didn't hurt him, but it did make him mad, and he yelled "You're mean! You let the damn door close on me!" Oops! All I could do was laugh. A better mother would probably have corrected his language, but I was laughing so hard I was almost crying. Oh well, at least we weren't at church!
Will had a fantastic day today. He took 48 cc's today in 10 minutes from his bottle (that's about an ounce and a half). So they're giving him 45-50 cc's four times a day from the bottle and giving him the rest through his NG tube. This is an incredible start, and hopefully he'll be able to increase that volume soon. He has to be able to take 80 cc by mouth eight times a day to get rid of the NG tube, but at this rate it shouldn't take long. Let's hope he can keep this up because it's a huge step on the road to home.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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