I went to see my little Will monkey today, and he was doing great. He was in a good mood and just as cute as can be. He's making really good strides as well. They've increased his trach collar trials. He's doing an hour in the mornings and 30 minutes in the evenings. He's bumped up his bottle feeds to 15 cc's three times a day. And he took all 15 in less than a minute today and was looking around for more! They're also running his NG tube feedings over a shorter period. They were running over an hour and a half, but now it's running over an hour. We finally have a meeting scheduled with all the doctors on Thursday, so we should be able to establish a definitive treatment plan,as well as some idea of when he's coming home. I'm ready to have him here. I need to be able to be with him every day, and I really think he'll thrive when he's home with his family. The results of his pH probe came back normal, so that's more good news.
Hays is still doing great. We took him to the Cracker Barrel tonight for dinner, and he had a big old plate of pancakes. Okay, not pancakes, but he did suck down a bottle like there was no tomorrow. He likes going places. I guess he enjoys having something different to look at.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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