Whew, we are having a rough night with Hays. He's been really good the past couple of nights- no 3 am escapades- but tonight he just can't settle down. He was fine when Mason and I left to get stuff for his birthday party, but by the time I got back at 8:00, he was a shrieking mess. I'm pretty sure Matt broke him. It's 10:30 and he's just now settling down. The upside is that he may be so exhausted that he'll sleep well the rest of the night. That's what I'm hoping for anyway!
My mom went to see Will today and she said he was looking good. He's still doing well with the trach collar trials, so they may increase it to twice a day, then slowly increase the amount of time. The (short term)goal is to get him to the point that he only needs the ventilator at night. My mom spoke with the pulmonologist and she said that she's really pleased with Will's progress. She said his airway is looking better and she still thinks he'll outgrow this problem. The fact that he can now keep his airway open without CPAP support is a really good thing- he couldn't do that just a couple of weeks ago. I'm still trying to schedule a conference between ENT and pulmonology, but it may be a week or so before I can get everyone together.
One weird thing is that they're talking to a nutrionist about Will because they don't think he's gaining weight fast enough! I don't understand that at all. He's huge! He has quadrupled his birth weight and he's three pounds bigger than Hays. Hays' pediatrician is not concerned about his weight gain, so I can't see how there can possibly be concern about Will's. I guess they just want him to be a big ol' hoss.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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