Will didn't have a great day. My parents and sister went to see him and he had a blue spell and his heart rate climbed really high. It wasn't a terrible spell- he's certainly had worse- but it wasn't pleasant for anyone. They're are running some blood tests to see if he's anemic since that can sometimes make a baby's heart rate run high. He's doing fine tonight and they're planning to keep things quiet up there so he can rest.
Hays, on the other hand, had a great day. It's like somebody just flipped a switch on him and turned him into a perfect baby! He's been on a great schedule and he's been so smiley and cute. We'll see how long it lasts!
We had a fun surprise today. My best friend from high school, who is now a fabulous lighting designer in New York, was in town visiting his family, so he came to hang out with us this afternoon. It was great to have another grown-up to talk to, and Mason had lots of fun showing off!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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