Oh lord, my baby is four years old. I can't believe it. I swear it doesn't seem like four years could have possibly passed! Mason had a good day (except for having to do several turns in time-out for not listening!). We went to the library because I thought they were having an event for the summer reading program. However, I apparently can't read a calendar, because it's actually happening next month. Oops. Oh well, Mason had a good time because the world's sweetest children's librarian, Miss Jessie, gave him a bug collecting box since it was his birthday. Then we went to the grocery store to get cupcakes for after dinner, we went swimming this afternoon (Hays hung out with my mom in the shade), had his favorite dinner- pancakes- then had cupcakes. All in all a great day.
Hays finally decided to grace me with his killer smiles today. He's given me a couple in the past, but he mostly saves those for the striped cushions on the outdoor furniture. I don't know what it is about brown and aqua stripes, but he'll grin at those darn cushions all day long. But smile for mommy? Forget about it. Until today! I got four full-on happy smiles. Best sight in the world as far as I'm concerned.
Will has had a good day as well. He's gained some weight, and he's still doing well with the trach trials. He's going to have to switch to formula because I have run out of mom-juice for him. I hate it, but what can you do? His nurse thinks that switching to formula might help with his gas. I don't know if I've mentioned his horrible man-farts. They are truly unbearable. Seriously- the kid could peel paint. So if switching to formula will help, I'm all for it.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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