we're trying to get everything in order for Will to come home, but man, that is a daunting task. It looks like they're going to be sending him home in a couple of weeks. The big question is exactly when. We have a trip to the beach planned that was scheduled before the babies were born. We were going to take Mason and Hays down for a few days since my in-laws would be around to look after Will, but know we think they might send him right before. We want Will home, but we really don't want to bring him home with an NG tube. We think that another week or so might increase his chances of coming home on full bottle feeds. Plus, quite honestly, we could really use a few days break before he comes home. having Will home is going to add a lot more responsibility to an already crazy household. We'll have a nurse to help us, which is good, butI'm still the mom. I'm still the main person who has to look after all three kids. And a few days of lying in the sun bwtween the craziness of the hospital and the craziness of bringing another infant home would be lovely. Maybe I'm a crappy, selfish mother, but it is what it is.
We're trying to finish up our trach and ventilator training, get squared up with the home health companies about nursing care and equipment and just get the house ready. Will has to have so much gear that we're not going to be able to put him in the room with Hays. We're setting him up out in the playroom. It's good because it also provides a space for the nurse to hang out when Will's sleeping so we're not all on top of each other in this little house. Plus we can all hang out together in the playroom, we can't all fit in the bedroom! But there is a lot left to do befoere we bring that little guy home.
And now for a hilarious Mason story: He's been at bible school this week and last night at dinner Matt and I were asking him what he had learned. He thought for a moment and told us, "We learned about Jesus and how she fed all those people with five rolls." We have obviously been slacking off in our religious training since he thinks Jesus is a woman! The informed us that "Jesus helps God make the babies because we have one baby at home and one in the hospital." Finally, he told us that for snack they had "n m n's, printzels, and goldfish." That boy is a hoot. But he's a sweetie. Today they made prayer pails, which are little buckets with popsicles sticks in them that have the names of people they want to pray for. Mason listed mommy and daddy, his friends, his stuffed dog, Buddy, and Will and Hays. Too cute.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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