Hays is the bottle champ!! He took four bottles in a row- that's a new record for him. He drank half of the fifth, but got tired and had to be tube fed the rest. He drank about half of his bottle tonight, but then he got tired. It was bath night for him and that always wears him out! He's doing so well that it looks like he'll be ready to come home in a couple of weeks. Matt went up to Egleston to see Will today so I could take Mason to a birthday party. He said Will looked really good. We took a picture of Will up to St. Mary's and taped it in Hays' bed so he can see his brother. And we took pictures of Hays and Mommy, Daddy and Mason up to Will so he can always see his family. The nurses at St. Mary's were amazed at how much Will had grown over the last three weeks. Lord, I am so ready to get things moving with Will so he can make all of the great strides that Hays has. I can't wait to see him suck down a bottle and get a real bath instead of just being wiped off. It's coming soon, but the wait is about to kill me!
Some friends of ours from the NICU had a very exciting day today. They finally took their little boy home after 5 months in the NICU- and on his mommy's birthday, no less! We are so happy for them (even though we now hold the dubious honor of being the old family in the NICU). So everyone say a little prayer for Zach and his family now that they're all together at home. We can't wait until it's our turn!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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