Will was great again today. I got to hold him for close to two hours and he only turned blue twice! (That's not a joke, his tube slipped and he turned a lovely shade of purply-blue. Good thing a respiratory therapist was nearby!) We're not sure when his surgery will be since they have to order a special trach tube, but we're thinking the end of this week or the beginning of next week. The ENTs consulted with the cardio-thorassic surgeon and came up with a plan. They're going to trach him and send him home to grow, then in a couple of months when he's bigger, they plan to do surgery where they remove the weak spot in his trachea and join the ends together- basically rebuild his trachea. This is a tentative plan, but it would be really cool if it worked and we could solve his problem in a matter of months instead of years.
I'm worried about my little Hays today. I think he's getting a cold. He's awfully snuffly and unusually sleepy. I told him he is not allowed to get sick, because all of my worrying is directed at Will! Hopefully he's okay because I really don't know if I can handle any more craziness! I found out today that the hospital had the wrong address on record for us, so the boys' social security cards are in no man's land, and their birth certificates are wrong! Just one more thing to deal with. Oh well, it could be worse. My sister is on a week long field trip to Savannah and Charleston with a bunch of middle schoolers, and today is her birthday! That's definitely worse. Happy birthday, Aunt Ninny!!!!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
Hi Cameron, I'm glad to hear things are going well. I am so happy you are getting to hold Will. With my twins as they increased bottlr feeding they also had very sleepy days ( I guess getting used to the hard work) and have been stuffy on and off since. The doc says it is reflux and normal for early babies. I hope Hays is just getting used to eating and stays healthy for you!
I hope things continue to go well and am keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers!
Hey lady,
I'm still praying for you all
every night, but am really glad to see that you still have your sense of humor--at least online. Every time I think about calling you I think--this could be the only five minutes of peace she has today so I leave you be but rest assured I think of you and all your boys constantly. Kelly
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