So Hays, that little stinker, has thrown a monkey wrench into our homecoming plans. He starting acting awfully tired the past day or so and wasn't eating well. The nurses thought he might have low hematacrit levels (I don't know what hematacrit is exactly, but it has something to do with the blood), so they checked him today. Babies normally have levels in the 40's and Hays was at 24, so they had to "top off his tank" and give him some blood. They have to make sure that does the trick before they send him home, so it will be Sunday or Monday before we can bust him out. I wasn't really surprised- little preemies do this all the time right before they're supposed to come home. I was a little dissapointed, but somewhat relieved because I have an extra day or two to get everything ready. (Plus another night to sleep through!) I guess Hays just loves his nurses so much that he's not quite ready to leave. Or else they love him so much that they don't want to let him go!
Will is doing really well. They've weaned him down to almost nothing on the ventilator, and tomorrow they're planning to try him on CPAP. Hopefully, he won't need that either and will have no problem breathing with just the trach. He's pretty swollen- his face looks like a moon- but that will come down pretty quickly. He's getting morphine every six hours and they're still keeping him pretty sedated on atavan. He did open his eyes and look around some today while we were there. I'm so ready for him to heal up from the surgery so we can start learning everything we need to know to take care of him. Then we can bring that little monkey home and finally have all our crazy boys under the same roof!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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