Hays in his big boy bed
Hays is getting so big
Will after surgery
Will's had a good day. He's pretty much just chilling and sleeping (I imagine that dose of morphine every two hours helps!) He's been pretty comfortable and they've been able to lower his vent settings throughout the day. The cardiologists said they will probably remove his chest tube in the next day or so because there's been very little drainage from the incision. Hays is doing great on his feedings. He's taking a full bottle every other feeding, whereas a few days ago he was only getting one or two bottles a day. And he's up to 3 lbs. 10 oz! He is closing that gap between him and Will with a quickness! Once he's taking all his feedings from a bottle and having no problems with it, he'll be ready to come home- yipee!!!! I didn't get to see either of the boys today because of my funk. But I went to the doctor and got an antibiotic. Five hours later I felt MUCH better, so I should be back on track for tomorrow.
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