Hays is looking pretty good today. He passed his car seat test, which means he sat in his carseat for an hour without his heartrate or oxygen saturation rates going down. He was too cute, this little, tiny guy in this big ol' carseat! He was awake for a long time today. He sat in a bouncy seat for about 45 minutes this morning, and he was wide awake for a couple of hours tonight. A girl from the medical supply company was supposed to come out today to teach us everything we need to know about the apnea monitor. She was supposed to be there between 4 and 6, so Matt and I got up there at 4. By 5:30 she still wasn't there, so our nurse called her. She said she got tied up in Atlanta and would be there at 8- she didn't get there until 9!!! It was ridiculous, but at least we got to spend lots of time with Hays. He had a bit of a tummy ache. He felt better after his giant poop, but he still wanted to be held all night. I spent quite a while walking him around the NICU. When I tried to put him down before we left, he screamed his head off! It was kind of nice to hand him over to his nurse and say "okay, we'll see you later!" Better enjoy that while I can since he's coming home Monday morning!
Will's doing really well today. He had a great morning and didn't need morphine or atavan until the early afternoon. he started CPAP trials today and did great with it. If he keeps doing well with that, they'll try him on a trach collar which provides no oxygen or pressure, just humidity. My parents and youngest sister went to see him today and they said he looked really good. Most of his swelling had gone down and they said he was resting comfortably. When we called to check on him tonight his nurse said he was kind of restless, but he settled down when she sang to him, so she's just going to keep doing that!
I'm going to go call and see if Crazy Hays ever settled down, then I'm going to bed. Got to enjoy these last couple of nights of uninterrupted sleep!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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