We had a great visit with Will today. My grandmother and my sister, Paige, and my mom all went up there with me. Paige hadn't seen Will since we went to MCG a month ago and she was amzed at how much he had grown. The past couple of days Will has been a bit twitchy when I held him. Probably because he's not used to being held. (how freakin' sad is that?) But today he settled right in and was very content and comfortable. He also woke up and looked around with his crazy eyes- he still needs some work on focusing! He looked a little bit like a cartoon character with his eyes rolling around, but he was darn cute!
Tonight when I went to see Hays he was wide awake, and aparently had been for around three hours! He was actually screaming his head off when I came in because he had dropped his pacifier, but he settled down as soon as I picked him up. His nurse said that now that he's actually a full term baby he stays awake more and he gets bored laying in his isolette. I don't blame him! He was a hungry little monkey and he was very impatient about getting his bottle. He did not think much about the fact that he had to get a bath before he could eat. He sucked that thing down so fast, you would have thought that kid was starving. I told his nurse that I'm convinced they don't feed him when I'm not there!
There was a candlelight vigil for sweet Zach tonight at the hospital. It was the most touching, heartbreaking thing. Tomorrow his family is going to let him go home to God, and our hearts and prayers will be with them.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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