Today was the longest day in the history of the world. We didn't know what time Will was going to have his trach done because he was an add-on to the surgical schedule. We went up there this morning around 11 and they didn't take him to the OR until 6. The surgery went well and the trach is in. They were able to get it in a good spot and they think it will work fine for him. It was tough to see him for the first time with the trach, but the upside is that we finally got to see his face with nothing stuck to it!! They're keeping him doped to the gills tonight and tomorrow, then they'll let him wake up some and start weaning off the ventilator.
Matt and I took an infant CPR class today, and while we were there we met another mom with a trached baby. She said that it's scary at first, but that you get used to taking care of it and then it's easy. She also said that life was so much better for her daughter after she got the trach and got off the ventilator. We know it's the right thing for Will, but it hasn't been easy. I'll post some pictures tomorrow, but right now I'm too darn tired!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
3 days ago
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