Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tummy time!

Will sitting up all by himself!

What a big boy!

Here's Hays studying his toy very intently.

Yay!!! Fun toy!

This is the first chance I've had to post anything all week because Hays has been crying NONSTOP for the past three days! I think he's trying to get a top tooth (as if the bottom two weren't enough for a two week period), and he has been completely miserable. We've been giving him a rotation of tylenol and motrine coupled with teething tablets and baby oragel. The oragel helps for 15 minutes or so- after he stops screaming from the awful taste, but then he's back to crying. Today he finally seemed better, and that was such a relief. I had almost forgotten what a sweet, smiley guy he is when he's not hurting!
So today was a much nicer day since I didn't have a baby screaming at me for 10 hours or so. Mason went over to his Nana's house for most of the day and had a big time. I stayed home with the twins and my mom came to hang out with us for a while. I'm not sure if Hays stopped crying because his mouth wasn't hurting, or if he was just so happy to see YaYa that he forgot about it! This afternoon we were able to get outside for a little while since it wasn't freezing cold. That was nice- until my dog decided to roll in the biggest pile of deer poop she could find! She was covered in deer doo all down her side, so I had to give her a bath. That was loads of fun with the babies yelling in the other room, but at least the dog is nice and clean.
We met with our physical therapist this week and she was really impressed with how well the twins are sitting up. I'm pretty sure Will was trying to show off because he sat up for probably five minutes without wobbling or tipping over! And Hays decided that it would be a good day to try to crawl, so he surprised us all by trying to get his knees under him while he was on his tummy and pushing off. I told him to put that little fanny back down, because I am in no hurry for them to crawl. Can you imagine trying to keep up with two of them crawling in opposite directions? Yikes! I get tired just thinking about it. but I'm really glad they're learning to sit up. It gives them new options for playing (good thing since they're getting tired of all the laying down toys). Plus, they're so much cuter in pictures when they're not just lying there like baby blobs!

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