Thursday, February 26, 2009

The twins had their one year old checkup today and it went well. The doctor was really pleased with where they're at developmentally. Of course, they have some delays compared to an average one year old, but considering all they've faced, they're doing great. Hays weighed 14 lbs, and Will weighed 18. They each had to get three vaccinations, and they didn't think much of that, but they were all smiles just a couple of minutes later.
Hays hit a new milestone yesterday- he learned to clap! He's been waving for a while, but he finally got the hang of clapping yesterday afternoon, so he's been doing lots of it today. I think he just likes the fact that we cheer for him when he does it. Those boys love to be applauded. I imagine we're going to have a new skill to cheer on in the next couple of weeks. Hays is almost crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth, then launches himself forward and collapses! But he's going to figure it all out in no time flat. Then I'm going to have to take everything that could possibly break out of the house! Will's already getting into everything. He rolls to get to anything he wants, and he can roll crazy fast. The other day I was in the kitchen fixing their breakfast whhen I heard a crash. Will had managed to grab a cord from a lamp that was sitting on a bookshe;f and he pulled the lamp down. Thank goodness it didn't hurt him, but it was scary. I ordered a big "play enclosure" or as I call it, a baby cage, off of ebay the day of the lamp incident, and I'm anxiously awaiting its arrival. Right now I'm scared to walk out of the room because I know how quickly they can get into trouble. Got to cage those wild animals!

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