Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!


Sweet little honeybees!

Mason on the hayride

Matt's very cool Barack-o-lantern

Mason's monster pumpkin (carved by mommy)

My scary haunted house pumpkin

We had a really fun and busy Halloween. Mason had his preschool party this morning, complete with a hayride and a little pumpkin patch set up at the school. He got to wear his Spiderman costume to school, so he was very excited. This afternoon we took all the boys trick-or-treating Downtown at all the little shops. There were tons of kids down there, and the twins seemed to be fascinated by all of the brightly colored costumes! Mason got lots of candy and had a really good time. After dinner, Matt took Mason trick-or-treating in my parent's neighborhood while I stayed home and manned the door at our house. It was a long day, but a fun one.
It was a bittersweet day for our friends, Kyle and Jessica. Today would have been their sweet baby Zach's first birthday, so this was not a real easy day for them. Everybody just say a prayer for them that they will find comfort in the memories that will surround them today.

1 comment:

Sean Hessenthaler said...

Cute, cute, cute! What handsome boys! We so enjoy reading your blog and watching them grow! Would love for our boys to meet sometime soon! Hugs to you all!