Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever

Racing ducks with YaYa

YaYa and Haysie

Mason at the pump!

My guys!

My boys and I had such a fun spring day. We went to the awesome farm near our house to pick strawberries! We've gone every year for the past few years, and we've been waiting anxiously for them to open. They're normally open much earlier, but the cool weather we've been having just didn't ripen those berries. They finally opened today, so we made a fun field trip this afternoon. My mom joined us to entertain the babies while Mason and I picked strawberries. We got a big bucketful of gorgeous fruit. Then Mason had a ball racing rubber ducks with the old fashioned water pumps, visiting the goats, and playing on the playground.
This evening after dinner we baked strawberry muffins, which will be delicious for breakfast in the morning. And tomorrow we have big plans for a strawberry pie. We'll definitely be making a few more trips out to the farm before the season is over. And soon, they'll have blueberries to pick. Blueberry pie, blueberry crisp, blueberry muffins..............
I almost forgot to tell y'all two hilarious Mason stories:
1. Tonight at dinner Matt and I were talking to Mason about the different play stations at school. I asked him which ones were his favorite and he told me the blocks and the play kitchen. I asked him if he pretended to cook in the kitchen and he replied, nonchalant as you please, "No, we kill the babies." I managed not to spray diet coke out of my nose as I asked him "How do you kill the babies?" He said, "Me and the other boys give them poison bottles." I told him, "Well, I'm awfully glad you don't try to give our babies poison bottles." He gave me a withering look and said "Mom, they're not real babies. They're plastic." I don't know whether to laugh or seek therapy!
2. I walked into the bathroom to tell Mason it was time to get out of the tub when I noticed all these little white bits floating in the water. Upon further inspection, I realized that they were tiny bits of tissue. I said, "Mason! Why did you put tissue in the bathtub? This stuff will clog the drain!" He said, "Mom, I was just trying to send them to another world."
The thing about tiny bits of wet tissue is you can't just pick them up. So guess who got to spend the next several minutes fishing wet tissue out of the tub with a sieve? Yours truly. Let's hope he doesn't try to send anything else to another world via the bathtub drain!

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