Friday, August 29, 2008

Will is doing much better. His steroid regimen seems to be helping. I had to take both the twins to the pediatrician yesterday. Will needed a re-check and Hays needed his six month checkup and vaccinations. Poor little guy did not think much of that! And he's running an icky little fever this morning as a result. Hopefully Tylenol will knock that out pretty quickly.
The doctor thought both boys were doing really well. Will weighs 13.11 pounds and Hays is 9.11 pounds. I notice it most in Hays. I bought him some little footie sleepers a couple of weeks ago, and he's already outgrown them!! But the pediatrician says that for their adjusted age they are right on track and that he's amazed by how on track they are.
We're ready for the long weekend. Poor Matt doesn't know it yet, but I have a decorating project in the works. Yay!!!!!!! With the help of slipcovers and paint, we're redoing the den. I'm soooooo tired of it and it's time to brighten it up. I'll post pictures when it's all done- as long as it looks good. But my plans today include shopping for slipcovers and paint. Woohoo!! I love decorating!!!!!!

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