Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 14th

I didn't update last night because I was asleep on the couch by 9:30!! There wasn't a whole lot to report. The bit of good news came from the pediatric pulmonologist that saw Will. He told my dad that he's seen lots of kids just like Will who are now perfectly healthy teenagers. He sais he thinks Will will be done with the trach by the time he's a year old. God, I hope so! Hays was a pretty sleepy boy all day. I think the past couple of nights of being wide awake at 4 a.m. caught up to him. I had to go to the doctor because my ears were so full of fluid that I can't hear anything. Everything kind of sounds like I'm under water! So now I'm on steroids and a decongestant to clear everything out. Matt better watch out for the 'roid rage!

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