Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22

It has been a long day with Mr. Hays. I think he's pretty sore from surgery and he hasn't let me put him down all day. He's okay if he's being held, but the minute we put him in his bed or swing he just cries and cries. It was so pitiful tonight that I called the nurses at St. Mary's to see if they had any ideas that I hadn't tried yet! He finally passed out from sheer exhaustion, and he's been asleep for the last hour or so. We'll see how long it lasts. It may be a loooooooong night!
Will had a good day. My dad went to see him and said he looked great. He did really well with his bottle feeding today, so that's promising. They've had to move the NICU temporarily because of construction, so they've relocated the babies to the cardiac ICU. Will has a private room (swanky!) with a TV in it, so today when my Dad got there, Will was watching TV! I'll have to bring him some Baby Einstein. We don't want him rotting his brain, so we'll have to get some educational stuff in there!

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